Press-release 1630
13 June 1989
A selection of photographs from Barbara Hendricks mission to Zambia is available from UNHCR's Public Information Service and may be obtained at office AP 720 (tel. 739-8513).
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See pictures from the 1989 Classic Aid II Gala Concert live from UNESCO in Paris.
Sehen Sie Bilder vom 1989 Classic Aid II Gala Concert live from UNESCO in Paris.
Barbara Hendricks - Pulan Bidoug, Malaysia 1988
What does UNHCR do?
Was ist die Aufgabe des UNHCR?
If you would like more information, or if you are wondering what you can do to help, please contact:
Falls Sie mehr über das Flüchtlingsproblem wissen wollen, oder sich fragen, auf welche Weise Sie selbst helfen können, wenden Sie sich bitte an:
The UNHCR Representative in your country/
Die UNHCR-Vertretung in Ihrem Land or/oder
UNHCR - Publik Information Service
P.O.Box 2500,
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2.Does every refugee fear persecution?
2.Fürchten alle Flüchtlinge Verfolgung?
4.What is UNHCR, and what does it do?
4.Was bedeutet UNHCR und welche Aufgabe erfüllt es?
5.Was UNHCR the first refugee agency?
5.War UNHCR die erste Flüchtlingsbehörde?
6. Where are the world's refugees? Does UNHCR help them all?
6.Wo halten sich die Flüchtlinge in der Welt auf? Hilft UNHCR ihnen allen?
7.How is the High Commissioner chosen?
7.Wie wird der Hohe Flüchtlingskommissar gewählt?
8.Is UNHCR a permanent agency?
8.Ist UNHCR eine ständige Behörde?
9. Where does UNHCR work, and who are its staff?
9.Wo übt UNHCR seine Tätigkeit aus, und wer sind seine Mitarbeiter?
10.Who are persons of concern to UNHCR?
10.Welche Menschen betreut UNHCR?
11.How has UNHCR's mandate expanded over the years?11.Inwiefern wurde das Mandat UNHCRs im Laufe der Jahre erweitert?
12.What does 'international protection' mean?
12.Was bedeutet «internationaler Rechtsschutz»?
13.What are the international legal instruments relating to refugees?
13.Welche internationalen Abkommen über Flüchtlinge gibt es?
14.How does UNHCR help when refugees need international assistance?
14.Was tut UNHCR, wenn Flüchtlinge internationaler Hilfe bedürfen?
15.Which refugees have special needs?
15. Welche Flüchtlinge haben besondere Bedürfnisse?
16. How are refugee problems solved?
16.Wie lassen sich Flüchtlingsprobleme lösen?
17.What do UNHCR's activities cost, and how are they financed?
17.Was kostet die Tätigkeit UNHCRs und wie sieht ihre Finanzierung aus?
18.How does UNHCR implement its assistance programmes?
18.Wie führt UNHCR seine Hilfsprogramme
19.Does UNHCR work together with other United Nations agencies?
19.Arbeitet UNHCR mit anderen Organisationen der Vereinten Nationen zusammen
Barbara Hendricks, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador,
visits refugees in Zambia

The internationally renowned singer, Barbara Hendricks, Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees since 1987, has just returned from a five-day visit to Zambia, where she studied various aspects of the refugee situation in that country and met President Kenneth Kaunda in Luseka.

Barbara Hendricks gave close attention to the living conditions of the Mozambican refugees in the Ukwimi region of eastern Zambia. She spent two days in the settlement, which was established on 20 May 1987 to receive the large influx of Mozambicans crossing the border into Zambia. This settlement, comprised of 46 villages, was envisaged as a durable solution for these refugees. Of the 13,000 Mozambicans now living there, 3,800 have already become self-sufficient.

"This is a particularly encouraging result and a sign of hope for the future," states Ms. Hendricks. Very moved by the particularly warm welcome from the refugees and by the songs evoking hope and liberty sung in her honaur by the schoolchildren, Barbara Hendricks improvised a recital for them. Her songs inoluded one on the theme of exile, which clearly provoked strong sentiments among the refugees.

During her stay in Zambia, the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador also visited the Makeni transit centre near Lusaka. There she met Namibian refugees preparing to return to their country, and shared in their joy at being able at last to take theTr future in their own hands.
During her audience with Kenneth Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia, Ms. Hendricks commented on how impressed she was to see the extremely generous welcome given by Zambia to refugees coming from various countries in the region, despite the serious economic problems the country faces.
Barbara Hendricks first visited refugee camps in 1988 during a visit to South East Asia. She noted the diversity of the refugee situations in Africa and Asla and the necessity of finding different solutions adapted to the different problems in each case. She once again praised African countries, and in particular Zambia, for their exceptional tradition of hospitality.