Im Dezember 1996, ein Jahr nach Erscheinen ihrer Weihnachts-CD präsentierte Barbara Hendricks zusammen mit dem schwedischen Kammerorchester unter Eric Ericson eine stimmungsvolle Auswahl an traditionellen Weihnachtslieder aus aller Welt in der jeweilige Landessprache. So begeisterte sie mir Händels "Messias" und "Joy to the world", Mozarts "Laudate dominum", Kirkpatricks "Away in a manger", Sandströms "Det är en ros upsprungen", Francks "Panis Angelicus", dem Traditional "Les anges dans nos campagnes", Gounods "Ave Maria", Romans "Drottningholmsmusiquen", Schuberts "Ave Maria", Willcoks "Adeste Fideles", dem Negro Spiritual "Sweet little Jesus Boy", dem amerikanischen "Go tell it on the mountain", Regers "Mariae Wiegenlied", Scheidts "In dulci Jubilo", Adams "Minuit, chrétiens", einem internationalen Medley aus Italien "Dormi, dormi bambino", Chile "Senora Dona Maria", Venezuela "Corramos, corramos", Portugal "Cancao da nata", sowie Spanien "Cantamos rapaces". Den populären Abschluß machten das Traditional "The first Noel" und Grubers "Stille Nacht".
In December 1996, one year after the release of her Christmas-CD Barbara Hendricks presented together with the Swedish Chamberorchestra under Eric Ericson a festive selection of traditional Christmassongs from all over the world in their original language. So she enchanted the public with Händel's "Messias" and "Joy to the world", Mozart's "Laudate dominum", Kirkpatrick's "Away in a manger", Sandström's "Det är en ros upsprungen", Franck's "Panis Angelicus", the traditional "Les anges dans nos campagnes", Gounod's "Ave Maria", Roman's "Drottningholmsmusiquen", Schubert's "Ave Maria", Willcok's "Adeste Fideles", the Negro Spiritual "Sweet little Jesus Boy", the American "Go tell it on the mountain", Reger's "Mariae Wiegenlied", Scheidt's "In dulci Jubilo", Adam's "Minuit, chrétiens", an international medley from Italy "Dormi, dormi bambino", Chile "Senora Dona Maria", Venezuela "Corramos, corramos", Portugal "Cancao da nata", as well as Spain "Cantamos rapaces". The popular finale presented the traditional "The first Noel" and Gruber's "Silent night".