Am 1. November 1997 gab Barbara Hendricks einen stark umjubelten Liederabend in "Die Glocke" in Bremen. Auf dem Programm standen Lieder von Schumann, Edvard Grieg, Claude Debussy und Jean Sibelius. Als Zugabe begeisterte sie mit Schuberts "Die Forelle", Faurés "Aprés un rêve", Schuberts "Musensohn", "Ave Maria", sowie die Negro Spirituals "He's got the whole world in his hands" und "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child". Mehr über ihre Liederabende gibt es unter Tourneedaten.On November 1, 1997 Barbara Hendricks gave a strongly applauded recital in "Die Glocke" in Bremen. On the program were lieder by Schumann, Edvard Grieg, Claude Debussy and Jean Sibelius. Strong enthusiasm came up in her as Schubert's "Die Forelle", Faurés "Aprés un rêve", Schuberts "Musensohn", ?Ave Maria", as well as the negro spirituals ?He's got the whole world in his hands" and "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child". More about her recitals you will find on the touring-dates side.